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What Does Amen Mean
Have you ever wondered what does Amen mean?
Discover why we say amen at the end of prayer.
And learn about the origin of Amen as well as the definition.

Where Did Amen Come From?
The word Amen is an affirmation and it was first seen in the Old Testament.
As well as in the New Testament.
The first time the word amen was used is in the Bible found in numbers 5:22.
As Christians, we don’t usually just say amen.
It’s more common to say in Jesus’s name amen.
That is because we are coming to God through the righteousness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Without Jesus we have no right to be heard by God.
The reason God hears our prayers is because of Jesus.
In Jesus name amen.
What Is The Meaning And Definition Of Amen?
Amen is a Hebrew word from ancient times.
It’s most common to use amen at the end of a prayer.
In the Dictionary the word amen is shown as an exclamation honored at the end of prayer meaning “so be it”.
It is used as an expression of an agreement or an expression of belief.
Where Is Amen Found In The Bible?
There are several examples of amen in the Bible.
Below are some some examples of Amen In The Bible:
Philippians 4:20
Romans 11:36
Matthew 6:13
What does amen mean?
Now this question has been answered for you.
Saying amen is of ancient Hebrew origin.
And is it means so be it.
When you say in Jesus name amen.
You recognize that it’s only through our Lord Jesus Christ that we can have our prayers heard by God.
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