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Ten Commandments KJV
If you have never seen the ten commandments movie I recommend it.
You can watch a short video of it below:
What are the ten commandments KJV?
God gave Moses the ten commandments on mount Sinai.
Ten commandments KJV serve as a principals for moral behavior for the human race.
Where can you find the ten commandments KJV?
Go to Exodus 20 :1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 in your Bible.
How Do We Know The Ten Commandments Was From God?
The Bible tells us in Exodus 34:28
What Are The Ten Commandments KJV?
Below You Can Find The Ten Commandments as well as a printable and you can also save it to your Pinterest account:

The Ten Commandments
#1. Thou shall have no other gods before me
#2. You shall make no idols
#3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
#4. Keep the sabbath day holy
#5. Honor your father and your mother
#6. You shall not murder
#7. You shall not commit adultry
#8. You shall not steal
#9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
#10. You. shall not covet

Why Are The Ten Commandments Important?
The Ten Commandments are not only a good guide for a better life.
They are there for Christians to follow so they should not be ignored.
I find myself struggling to obey the ten commandments sometimes.
No one said being a Christian was easy because it’s definitely not.
It’s important to note that the ten commandments are not a guide that will earn you salvation.
As Christians we are set apart from the world to live according to God’s ways.
So we have rules the world will not understand.
Ten Commandments KJV serves as principals for moral behavior.
And should not be ignored.
That being said the ten commandments are also not a set of rules that
will earn your salvation.
As Christians we have rules the world will not understand.
We are a people set apart from the rest of the world.
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- Learn About The Significant Numbers In The Bible 1 – 10
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