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You’re about to discover the best alternatives to celebrating halloween for Christians.
If you are wondering why Christians shouldn’t celebrate Halloween.
READ: Reasons Christians Shouldn’t Celebrate Halloween.
The best alternatives to celebrating halloween for christians is fun for the entire family.
As a kid the excitement of dressing up and trick or treating with friends is a lot of fun.
Although there are better things a Christian kid can do that are even more fun and can involve the entire family as well as friends.
The kids won’t feel left out and you can bond as a family.
With that being said check out the best alternatives to celebrating Halloween for Christians.

5 Christian Alternatives To Halloween
It’s almost that time of year again.
You can see it in the stores and as you drive down some neighborhoods.
Some people are already decorating their home for halloween.
So how can you have fun without celebrating this holiday as a Christian?
There are actually several things you can do that your kids will love and you can even make a family tradition.
Below Are 5 Alternatives To Halloween:

#1. Corn Maze
Have you ever been through a corn maze?
It’s actually a lot of fun.
Usually there is a small fee involved and be sure to dress warm.
I remember wishing I had a jacket with me when I went.
You can find a corn maze by simply searching for “corn maze near me”.
It will list several in your area and let you know if it’s free or has a fee.

#2. Go To The Zoo
The Zoo is a great place to visit any time of year.
Although this can be a fun trip to go as a family in the fall.
Be sure to check on times as some zoos close early on holidays.
It’s easy just search for the zoo nearest you for more details online.
#3. HayRides
Another fun outdoor adventure is going on hayrides.
I don’t mean the ones that are decorated for a haunted house.
No just family fun hayride that gets you outdoors and sometimes can be followed up with a corn maze.
It’s actually fun for all ages and usually there is a small charge of $5 to $10.
Check your area to find out full details online.
Hayrides can get really busy on Halloween so it’s good to know in advance.

#4. Candy Bags
I remember the scariest part of trick or treating as a kid was the need to check my candy before eating it.
There were always stories on the news of a razor blade or odd pills in candy and kids getting sick or worse.
To avoid this and avoid trick or treating all together.
You can create candy bags with miscellaneous candies.
And have peace of mind that they are safe for everyone to eat.

#5. Make Christian Cookies
I think just about everyone enjoys cookies.
Making them is half the fun.
You can create cookies with your favorite Bible verses on them.
Have fun with it and of course save a cookie for me : )
Thanks for reading about the best alternatives to celebrating halloween for Christians.
What is your favorite alternative to celebrating halloween?
There are many more that could be added.
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