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Salvation Prayer
If you are looking for a salvation prayer.
The one above from Billy Graham is short and to the point.
Over the years he led many to Christ.
Making the decision to say the salvation prayer.
It is the first important step in your walk with Jesus.
If you watch pastor J.D. Farag you know at the end of every service he gives the A, B, C’s of Salvation.
This is so simple yet powerful and it’s worth repeating.
Below Are The A, B, C’s, Of Salvation:
A: Admit You Are A Sinner
Acknowledge you sinned and need a savior.
We are all guilty of sin.
The punishment for our sin is death.
The Gift of God is Eternal LIFE.
B: Believe Jesus Is Lord
Believe in your heart that JESUS IS LORD
C: Call Upon His Name
Confess with your mouth, Acknowledge your sin, believe in your heart Jesus is Lord, and trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sin.

Salvation Prayer
Father God,
I know that I am a sinner.
And I ask for your forgiveness.
I believe you died for my sins.
And rose from the dead.
I turn from my sins.
I repent of my sins.
I invite you to come into my heart and life.
I want to trust and follow you.
As My lord and savior
In Jesus name
What To Do After Praying The Sinners Prayer?
You might have a lot of questions now.
Is that it?
Just say a prayer?
It doesn’t mean your life will be easier in fact in some ways it might be more difficult, but that’s part of following the narrow path.
Below Are Some Suggestions To Follow Next:
#1. Salvation is a Free Gift From GOD. Now you need to RECIEVE it.
#2. Find and attend a Bible-believing Church. Stay away from churches that don’t follow the bible. Such as churches that are ok with homosexuality.
As this is an abomination in the eyes of God. Leviticus 20:13
#3. Begin Your Relationship with GOD. Pray Daily in fact, pray often through the day. Ask God questions, ask him anything. Tell him anything.
He knows anyway, but wants to hear from you. Thank him for your salvation. And let him lead you in your day to day decisions.
#4. Read your Bible daily. If you don’t know where to start John in the New Testament is a good place to read a lot of words from Jesus.

Congratulations if you said the salvation prayer.
You have made the most important decision in life.
Now as you grow each day in your walk with the Lord.
Look for opportunities to lead others to do exactly what you did today.
Lead others to Jesus.
Draw near to the Lord and he will draw near to you.
If you know of anyone that is looking for a salvation prayer.
Please share this post with them.
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