Rapture in the air dreams has been ever-increasing for Christian believers over the past five to seven years.
There are literally hundreds if not thousands of other rapture dreams that you can watch on Youtube.
When I had this dream I didn’t know much about the rapture. I believed in it, but I wasn’t caught up in the debate about when it would occur.
I now believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. I won’t go into that right now, but I will at another time.
The dream was very vivid everything from the sounds to the colors felt as if I was right there as it was happening.
I wanted to take some time thinking about the dream more before sharing it. I wanted to make sure it was really a dream that God gave me.
And I believe it was a dream given to me from God.
Here is my rapture in the air dream…

Rapture Dream
It was three years ago in the summer of 2016 when I had this dream.
As I reflect on it I think I was shown different timelines or events that are happening.
I find myself walking down a city street in the dark with buildings on the left and right side of me.
As I look down the street I can see more buildings.
Everything is on fire, buildings are collapsed and many are in rubble.
It looked like a nuclear attack had taken place in the United States. And this was the aftermath.
Cars are on fire and I can hear glass breaking under my feet as I walk down the street as well as from the cars that are ablaze.
There was a strange quietness at first I could just hear the roar of the fire and breaking of glass.
The sky was dark and clear but there was an orange-yellow glow from all of the destruction burning on the earth.
I noticed there were very few people around.
As I continued walking down the street I saw someone run as fast as they could out of one of the buildings.
Then this large black demon with wings and a tail swooped down and laughed as it chased this person.
The demon held the person which looked like a young man and in one bite ate the back of his head off.
I was in complete shock and I wanted to run, but I was too afraid to move.
The demon looked right in my direction, but it couldn’t see me.
It was as I was only there witnessing the events, but not really there as it was happening.
Then the demon flew off and disappeared into the night sky.
Now I can hear people screaming and the laughter of other demons as they chase other people and kill them the same way.

This continued for a while and then there was a loud crashing sound in the sky.
Then the sound of a trumpet.
And a crumpling sounds as the sky peeled back like a scroll.
Then a bright light brighter than the sun poured out from the opening and countless angles from heaven poured out.
The holy angels streaked down and ripped the demons apart.
Tearing off their limbs and destroying them with ease.
Every demon was in great panic and fear.
Till there were none left.

I looked up to the night sky again and countless amounts of holy angels continued to pour out of the sky as I could see in the background, Jesus.
Jesus was so far away at first it was hard to see him and because of the great number of holy angels that surrounded him.
He has holy angels that circled him and others that were behind him in his glory.
Jesus radiated light that was even brighter than the angels near him.
Even from far away you could feel his great power and it made you want to immediately drop to your knees and praise him.
Jesus was on a cloud with his throne.
He was standing up and was wearing a white robe with a reddish or maroon color sash that was brilliant in color.
As he continued to get closer I thought to myself it’s really him!
It’s Jesus!
I couldn’t keep my eyes off him.
I wanted to see his face.
He got a little closer, but I could not make out his face clearly.
In my dream Jesus never touched the earth he stayed in the clouds in the air.
I could see the shiny gold crown filled with sparkling jewels on his head and the radiating light that was all over him.
Rapture in the air was imminent. I couldn’t wait to go home to be with the Lord.

Then as I woke up I was still caught up in all of the excitement.
Feeling sad because I wanted to go up to be with the Lord, but also happy that I still had time on earth to do his will in my life.
It was with mixed emotions that I thought about this dream.
I wasn’t shown any more than this and I haven’t ever had another dream like it since.

I believe I was shown the destruction of the United States after a nuclear war.
Then the so-called “alien invasion”
That is really demons that attack humans after the nuclear war.
The earth was in complete chaos and there were death and destruction everywhere.
But the Good News Is that Jesus comes to rapture in the air those that are his before this happens.
For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ
If you have had a rapture dream please share it in the comments below.
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