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Lust of the flesh KJV scripture 1JOHN 2:16
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Now that you know the Lust of the flesh KJV.
Discover Biblical ways to finally get free of Lust.
The Devil comes to kill, steal and destroy.
One of his many ways to accomplish this goal is to use lust against you.
At first it may just be a thought and then that thought repeats in your mind until you act on it.
Lust may seem harmless but it can gradually take over your life and you go deeper with it as time goes on looking at porn becomes an addiction that can lead to fornication.
Your body is the temple of God and a lot of bad things can happen once lust takes over your life.
Below Are Just Some Of The Ways Lust Destroys Your Life:
#1. It separates You From God
#2. It Opens Portal For Demons To Enter You
#3. It Give The Devil a Foot Hold In Your Life
#4. It put you at risk for STDs
#5. It Sends You To Hell
Now think it over and ask yourself…
… is it really worth all of that?
If you want to get set free of lust you have to really want it out of your life.
It’s not going to leave if you enjoy it you have to be ready to walk away from it once and for all.
That being said it’s very difficult to escape especially if you have been in lust for a while.
And on your own it’s impossible to get rid of.
There is only one way to get set free from the spirit of lust.
The Answer is Jesus.

Discover How To Be Free Of Lust Right Now
The temptation of lust is basically in our faces everyday from movies, music, internet it can be almost impossible to avoid.
Although that doesn’t mean you have to be a slave to it.
Once you are in lust it consumes your thoughts and actions and can compel you to do things you wish you hadn’t done.
Below Are Ways To Be Set Free From Lust:
#1. Get Deliverance From Sexual Sin
#3. Throw Away Porn
#4. Set Your Mind On Godly Things
#5. Avoid People That Will Lead You Back To Lust
Sexual sin takes time to completely overcome because it becomes a way of life.
Once you get free of sexual sin you can help others do the same.
Lust of the flesh KJV is a good place to start if you need to get free of lust.
It’s difficult to change a way of life especially lust because by the time you realize how destructive it is it can sometimes be too late.
Fortunately there is help for anyone that calls on the name of the Lord.
Getting delivered from the spirit of fear is a necessary step on your path out of lust.
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