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Significant Numbers In The Bible
Significant numbers in the bible can help you understand why you are seeing a certain number.
I started searching for the biblical meaning of numbers when I kept seeing number patterns.
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It’s interesting to learn about Bible numbers.
What Bible number do you want to learn about?
Significant Numbers In The Bible starting with number one and continuing on to the number ten will be available for you here.

Bible Number Meanings One to Ten
If you are curious to learn about Significant Numbers In The Bible One to Ten now you find out the meaning of each below:
Number One: Union or Oneness
The number one is symbolic of God Deuteronomy 6:4.
The number one also represents the union of Godhead or one God.
John 10:30 And my father are one.
Galatians 3:20 God is one.
The number one represents the union of God and man in salvation John 17:11 Ephesians 5:30.
Number Two: Unity
Some biblical examples of the number two are below:
2 of every kind of animal entered the ark.
2 parts in the day.
2 disciples were given the testimony of Jesus to give to John in prison Matthew 11:2-6
2 angels testified at the tomb John 20:12

Number Three: Trinity
The number three Trinity, the father, son, and Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19.
Three is shown many times in the Bible.
Below are some examples:
Three heavens.
Three places you can dwell in heaven, earth, hell.
Three time frames past, present, future
Three points of measurement: The beginning, middle, and end
Three witnesses the spirit the water and the blood 1 John 5:8.
Number Four: Symbol Of The Heavens
Four Winds Matthew 24:31.
Four Horsemen of Revelation 6:1-8
Four acts of judgment Ezekiel 14:21
Four is God’s creative works.

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Number Five: Fruitfulness and Blessing
More references to five in the Bible are below:
Five can also mean human weakness or dependence and insufficiency in self.
Number Six: The Fallen Nature of Man.
Most people understand the number 666 as the number of Satan.
Six also falls short of the number seven.
Below are additional Bible meanings of the number six:
Six days God created man genesis 1:27
Six days were given to man to work Exodus 20:9.
The number six is also the number of humanity Genesis 1:26.
Number Seven: Means Completion and Perfection
Seven is the number of completion and perfection
Below are additional Biblical meanings of the number seven:
Seventh day was Sabbath for Israel a day of rest.
Seventh year was sabbatical year a year of rest.
Number seven can also be found in the book of revelation below:
seven churches
seven trumpets
seven judgments
seven kings
seven thunders
seven seal judgments

Number Eight: Symbolizes a New Beginning
The eighth day starts the week over again.
Eight people were on the ark for the new beginning after the flood.
Number Nine: Judgement and Finality
Nine gifts of the Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:8–10.
Number Ten: Law and Government
10% tithe was an acknowledgment of God’s gifts of abundance.
10 witnesses were called in the book of Ruth.
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