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Jesus songs are a fun way to worship God even when you aren’t at church.

I have probably been caught singing some of these songs in the car… Yeah I do that sometimes : )

There are so many Jesus songs to choose from that this list is just our top favorites and we think you will enjoy them too.

Christian music helps you to focus on Jesus. It was best said in Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

jesus songs

7 Christian Songs Our Top Favorites

Here is our list of Jesus Songs Below:

#1. Sanctus Real – Promises

This song is uplifting and if you are going through a difficult time will let you know you are never alone. Jesus is always there. Focus on the promises of God.

#2. Michael W. Smith – Friends

This is an older song that I always loved to listen too. The Lord who made us is a powerful message that has been an inspiration song for many people.

jesus songs

#3. MercyMe – I Can Only Imagine

A powerful song that will fill you will emotions of joy on what it will be like to be with Jesus forever.

#4. Michael W. Smith – Our God Is An Awesome God

Another Great Song From Michael W. Smith that is uplifting and Praises the Awesome God we worship.

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#5. Orthodox Christian Music

These songs are excellent for worship and bring peace into you and your home when listening to it.

#6. Jesus Loves Me

Yes, this is the song you listened to in Sunday school and it’s still one of the best Christians songs ever.

#7. Susan Boyle Away In A Manger

I’ve always loved this song every Christmas it’s my favorite Jesus song to listen to.


Jesus songs on this list are just a sample of Christian music that you can listen to, we hope you enjoy these songs too.