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There are so many rapture dreams.
Like the one above.
Rapture dreams are becoming more and more frequent for believers.
READ: My Rapture Dream
When discussing the Rapture it can come with a lot of disagreement.
There are three beliefs for those that believe in the rapture.
Pre – Mid – Post tribulation.
I believe in a pre-tribulation rapture.
Of course no one can know when the rapture will occur.
Although most Christians believe we are in the end times.
And can know the season and feel it getting closer each day.
Earth is not my home I’m just visiting and looking forward to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That is why you should watch the five rapture dreams below:
#1. Urgent Rapture Dream
#2. Destruction Is Coming
#3. Over 2 Million Views!
#4. Jesus Is Coming!
#5. Rapture Dream – America Destroyed!
I hope you enjoyed these rapture dreams.
Do you want to be raptured?
If you or someone you know want to know how to be saved.
READ: Bible Verses About Getting Saved
Time is short and the most important thing you will ever do is give your life to Jesus.
You do not want to be left behind.
Please turn to Jesus today.
God Bless You.