Do Christian believe in law of attraction … NO.
You might remember it was at the time the book the secret was introduced to the public and promoted by celebrities like Oprah that the law of attraction gained a lot of steam across America and even worldwide.
It probably seemed harmless to many and so you might have thought do Christian believe in law of attraction.
My girlfriend at the time picked up a copy of the secret and I warned her about this book being new age propaganda.
She was a new Christian and she decided that what I told her made sense but her curiosity was too great to stop her from going further with it.
Sometimes you can tell someone the truth but they still have their God-given free will to decide their fate.
Everybody has to make a decision on what path they want to go down.
As you read on I’ll reveal the dangers of the law of attraction, give biblical references, and give a real-life story on the law of attraction in action.
I urge you to read it all so you can avoid making a serious mistake.
What Is The Law Of Attraction?
The law of attraction is best understood as a universal law that is the basis of the creation process.
It states that whatever you focus on, you will attract into your life.
The Law of Attraction is the idea that your thoughts are what shape your reality. It states that whatever you think about will come true, as long as it is something you want.
According to the Law of Attraction, what you think about will come to be.
This law suggests that positive thoughts create happy feelings and negative thoughts create unhappy feelings.
This can lead to situations where people could end up living their worst nightmare because they are only worried about it happening.
The best way to ensure that good things happen is by thinking positively and living in the moment.
The law of attraction simply means you can attract into your life what you want.
That could be just about anything from a new relationship, money, or getting a parking spot anytime you need it.
Sound good doesn’t it?
And that is how it draws you in.
Just about everyone wants something more than they currently have.
If all you have to do is focus on what you want and get it because you “attracted” it into your life.
Why not?
Doesn’t sound evil or unGodly on the surface.
But… there is a hidden danger with the law of attraction that I will cover next.

Why Law Of Attraction Is Dangerous?
There are only two forces at work one is evil and the other good.
You can serve God or the Evil one, but not both.
Another reason the law of attraction has become so successful is that it can actually work, but not in the way it is taught.
The reason the Law of Attraction is dangerous is that it opens a door for you to communicate with evil familiar spirits.
You have invited them into your life and they will gladly accept in fact they have been in your family line for many many years.
The law of attraction is what I call demon attraction because that’s essentially what it is.
These evil spirits can see you but you can’t see them.
They watch you and intimately know your deepest desires because they can observe you without your knowledge.
If you dabble with the law of attraction you can quickly find out that the spirit world is very much real.
And the law of attraction can become addicting because you can actually get what you want.
So you stay with it and use it in more areas of your life to get more things.
All without knowing that you are gradually moving farther from God and closer to Hell.
You forget about God because you can get sucked into the trap of focusing on attracting things into your life.
It gets your mind off Jesus and onto things of this world.
If you stay in this new age trap long enough it can overtake you and you can find yourself in a very bad place both mentally and physically.
Just remember that anything you receive from the devil has a price and you never want to owe him anything.
You can find yourself regretting ever getting involved with the law of attraction if you take it that far.
If you need help to get out of the law of attraction it can happen but you will need deliverance, repentance, and much prayer.
And of course throwing away any new age books, CDs, and the like in the trash or burning it.
Spirits can attach themselves to objects so this is a crucial step in getting set free.
Bible Verses On The Law Of Attraction
The law of attraction is no match for the Holy Bible the word of God.
Below are some Bible verses regarding the law of attraction:

Best Alternative To The Law Of Attraction
The best and only alternative to the law of attraction is God.
You can’t fast-track your way to a better life by focusing on what you want.
Instead, focus on what God wants for your life.
Do Christian believe in law of attraction …
… No because it promotes doing what you want, leaving out God, and of course, it opens doors to familiar spirits.
Ask and pray for God to reveal his will for your life.
If there is something you really want give it to God.
He can do things the law of attraction can never do.
God is all-knowing and all-powerful.
If you really want a better life it starts with Jesus.
I urge you to start a relationship with God and read the Bible.
It’s the living word of God and on many occasions, God has spoken to me while reading his word.

Now that you know the answer to do Christian believe in law of attraction.
If you know of anyone else that is interested in this topic please share this article with them.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
He is the only way to the father and to salvation.
New age practices are nothing new they seem very appealing on the surface but there is always a price you pay that price can be too great for many and even cost you everything.
A lot of times the evil one will entice you or make you curious about someone to lure you in.
If your discernment isn’t leading you away then please pray to God because acting or going any further with the law of attraction or any other new age trap.
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