Can Christian date non Christian?
The short answer is No.
When asking can Christian date non Christian …
… there are many reasons why it just won’t work.
I’ve dated non Christian women in the past and have ten reasons it was a bad decision.
The same goes for women dating non Christian men.
As you read on you’ll learn good places to meet a Christian for dating.
And hopefully, avoid mistakes I’ve made dating incompatible partners.
10 Reasons Christians Should Only Date Christians
If you’re single and want to find someone to date that could lead to marriage.
It can be very challenging even if you don’t care about someone’s beliefs.
There are over 124 Million Singles in the U.S.
Although I used to think it didn’t matter if you date someone that doesn’t agree with your faith I’ve found that there are some serious problems with it.
Below Are 10 Reasons Believers Need To Only Date Christians:
#1. Unequally Yoked
2 Corinthians 6:14
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
Dating someone that doesn’t agree with your beliefs means you are doomed from the start.
It can never work out because one person will ultimately have to give in to the other.
And there is the real possibility that you can be pulled out of your faith and away from Jesus.
#2. Different Views on Dating
As a believer, you want to date with a purpose.
Not just date to keep yourself busy or entertained.
Finding your match and getting married is the ultimate goal.
When I was dating non-Christian women it was clear that we didn’t have the same views on dating.
For example, they would have a worldly outlook on what dating should be as I wanted a Biblical outlook.
#3. Sex
Having sex before marriage goes against Christian living.
Someone who doesn’t agree with waiting till marriage to have sex will be inconsistent opposition to this.
For this reason alone dating a non-Christian will never work out for you.
You’ll either get pressured into having sex or argue about it all the time.
And eventually, end the relationship.
#4. You Don’t Agree On Important Topics
You might think you can change someone to think as you do but that’s not the case.
Dating a nonbeliever comes with a roller coaster ride of twists and turns that wears you both out.
Issues that you find important such as sex before marriage turn into deal-breakers fast.
#5. Church
I remember getting into a discussion about taking my non-Christian date to church with me.
She really didn’t want to go at all and I knew deep down this was someone I wouldn’t have a future with.
As a Christian, you need a partner that will embrace going to Church with you and participating in Christian fellowship.

#6. It Pulls You Away From God
When you date someone that doesn’t believe in your faith.
You’ll either give up on it and let go of it or compromise to please your partner or the person you are in a relationship with will become Christian.
Unfortunately in this evil world, we live in it’s easy to stray away from the faith.
Avoid putting yourself in this position.
#7. It Goes Against God’s Will
God would want you to date and eventually marry another Christian.
How can your relationship be blessed when it goes against, God?
It can’t so it’s best to wait on dating till you find God’s match for your life.
#8. Family Disaproval
If you were raised in a Christian home your parents will want you to date a Christian.
Of course, the family can disapprove of a Christian dating partner too, but you avoid many future arguments with family members when you avoid dating someone that is a nonbeliever.
#9. Deep Down You Know It’s Wrong
When I was dating women that were nonbelievers I always knew deep down it wouldn’t work.
You can be totally attracted to someone but when you know they are not in line with your Christian beliefs it just feels wrong.
Let’s face it the best time to date is when you are young.
So why waste time going into a dead-end relationship.
#10. It Wastes Your Time
Now with all of the reasons already listed there is one additional reason to avoid dating a nonbeliever.
It’s a total waste of time.
Seriously, no matter how attracted you are to someone that fades.
What you’re left with is a person that you either have a future with and can grow together in your faith as a couple or argue and grow apart with your many many many disagreements.

Where To Meet Christians For Dating?
So now that you know some of the reasons why dating a non Christian is a bad idea.
Where can you meet a Christian to date?
There are many places actually let’s discuss three of them below:
#1. Meet-Ups – If you live in a small town or even larger town and you are interested in meeting singles in your area try meet-ups.
It’s a free app that allows you to meet for just about anything.
The Christian meet-ups allow you to interact with other Christian singles in your area.
#2. Dating Apps – Dating online has become very mainstream at this time.
Although I usually think it’s a bad way to meet because even the Christian apps have a lot of non Christians on them and for guys, it can be difficult to get a fair shot since there are usually more men than women on dating sites in some of the cases.
With that being said you can try some of the apps for free and possibly meet your match.
#3. Church – The obvious choice is to meet other Christian singles at your church.
Some churches have singles activities that you can get involved with by signing up for the event.

So, Can Christian date non Christian?
It’s a bad idea and it just never works.
If you are already dating a nonbeliever it’s best to get out of that relationship so God can bless you with the right person.
Of course, you can ignore all of this but I’m telling you from experience that dating non Christian is ultimately a massive waste of time.
Ask God if you are uncertain about someone you are currently dating.
Wait on Him and be patient.
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