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Biblical meaning of number 17 is a curious question.

As we study the meaning behind different numbers today we focus on the number 17.

What is the biblical meaning of number 17?

The faithful number is a numerical phenomenon, which occurs in the Bible.

It is a series of numbers that appears at first glance to have no obvious pattern or purpose.

A list of faithful numbers in the Bible:


In addition to these numbers that are related to one another by adding up their digits to get a new number (called concordant numbers), the Bible also has three sets of “triple-faithful” numbers (3-3-11 and 7-7-7).

There is no consensus as to what these sequences mean.

Many scholars believe it is best left for Christians themselves to study and find meaning in these numbers.

What is the Biblical Meaning of 17?

Biblical meaning of number 17 is often interpreted as a sign of God’s providence.

17 is the total number of years that Jacob served Laban before he left for home.

God gave Abraham 17 descendants in order to fulfill his promise to give Abraham’s descendants “as many stars as there are in the sky.”

Biblical Meaning of 17 with Biblical References

This section will explore the meaning of 17 in the Bible and provide biblical references.

As we go through the various biblical references to 17, I hope you’ll come to see how 17 is a unique number in both old and new testament.

In this passage, Moses is recounting God’s words to him about what will happen when Egypt is punished for their oppression of Israel.

God says, “I will stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in its midst; after that he may let them go.”(Exodus 3:20) The reference here is to 4 plagues that God unleashed on Egypt: frogs, lice/gnats (or flies), wild animals running everywhere, darkness/death of firstborn.

Scriptures about the Faithful Number 17

Revelations 17:7 mentions a Number of the Beast. It is not known what this number is but, Revelations 13:18, says that 666 is “the number of a person”.

John then points out that this same number appears in other places in the Bible.

For instance, it also appears in Daniel 2 as “the number measuring the time”.

Closing Thoughts on the Biblical Meaning of 17

Biblical meaning of number 17 has always been a point of speculation among Bible scholars.

Some believe that the number of sins is what makes up the number seven, while others see it as the number of concubines taken by King David.

The only thing that we know for sure is that when you subtract any other two-digit number from 17, you will always get 7.

Now that you know more about the biblical meaning of number 17.

What number would you like us to study next?

Let us know in the comments.


biblical meaning of number 17