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Bible journaling makes studying the scriptures more engaging as we should make reading our bibles a part of everyday life it’s a very important part of living as a Christian.

Hebrews 4:12

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” 

Everyone falls into ruts and that can happen when it comes to studying the word of God too.

Bible Journaling can be especially enjoyable if you are a creative person. Learn how to get started in Bible journaling as a beginner and grow deeper in the scriptures.

What Is Bible Journaling?

If you have ever opened a bible that was highlighted, had notes in it, or even prayer requests these are all forms of bible journaling.

Bible journaling is taking time to devotionally respond to insights you have as you study your bible.

This is a way to engage with your bible that will give you time to reflect, meditate, and pause as you think on and respond to God’s word.

For me, I started bible journaling by highlighting my bible so I could quickly and easily refer back and read parts of the bible that inspire and help me feel closer to God.

You can also write down the next steps or use graphic representation these are a couple of other examples.

Whatever key areas of the bible God is communicating to you are where you want to ultimately journal in your bible to apply and meditate on the word of God.

bible journaling

What Will I Need To Start Bible Journaling?

If you are not sure how to get started with bible journaling here are some simple steps to help you on your way to a more reflective scripture reading.

Here are some tools you may want along with a short explanation of the use of each one:

Maybe you aren’t sure what bible to select with there being so many options available some may find this part the most difficult.

Watch the video below for help selecting the right Bible for you and be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel …

Here is a list of some supplies that you may find helpful:

  • Journaling Bible
  • Color Pencils
  • Pens
  • Highlighters
  • Watercolor kit

Now you have the supplies the next step might feel a bit difficult on how and where to start.

If you find that you are not quite sure how to begin read below for steps to Bible journaling.

Steps To Bible Journaling

Step One

Psalm 32:8-9

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding,
    which must be curbed with bit and bridle,
    or it will not stay near you.

As you read and reflect on the scriptures what ways do certain key words stand out to you in your life right now?

Step Two

As you read the Bible there will be certain words that will be key for your life. Maybe it’s just for a particular situation you are facing or something you feel you would like to come back to over and over again.

This is a perfect place to journal in your Bible.

Step Three

Think of creative ways that certain words stand out to you. If could be something simple as the way you write certain letters or a design that comes to mind.

This is fun and you will be surprised as it will make these parts of the Bible more memorable because you have spent time reflecting on it as your journal in your Bible.

Step Four

Once you have found a page that you would like to sketch your design either choose a blank piece of paper first or begin on the page that you would like to create your design.

Need some tips on how to sketch? Check out the following website and learn to become better at designing and sketching.

Step Five

I’ve found that it’s best to first use a pencil before going over a sketch in order to make sure it will come out the way I want.

Then fill in your design. This can be whatever you feel comfortable with such as watercolors, crayon, or color pencils.

Step Six

Are you feeling like your page could use a little more to make it stand out?

Try these elements to add a little extra to your sketch design:

  • Borders To Brighten Your Page
  • Stamps
  • Stickers

bible journaling

Benefits Of Bible Journaling

There are many reasons that you may want to begin Bible journaling and various benefits that I will go over in further detail here.

Since everyone has their own personality journaling is a way that will speak to you directly at where you are at in a certain place in time.

If Bible journaling brings your closer to God then, by all means, keep doing it or get started and find out if it’s something you could benefit from too.

It can help some people process what they are reading and think more clearly about the Bible.

Since we think in pictures this can be a benefit by helping you remember a certain key part of the Bible that the Lord is guiding you to.

You can rediscover what you learned and reflect on how it helped you at a certain place in time. Looking back on the impact it had on you.

This can strengthen your faith and help you to overcome the next challenge in life you need the Word of God as a source of inspiration and encouragement.

As I agree Bible journaling has been a way for me to grow as a Christian it shouldn’t replace actual Bible Study.

We as believers still need to contextualize Scripture to understand God’s whole story. Bible journaling is just a supplement that can be very helpful.

Ideas for Bible Journaling Pages

Bible journaling is a creative method to connect with God and scripture. Art and personal contemplation may help you produce beautiful Bible study pages that express your thoughts, emotions, and insights. Start with these Bible journaling page ideas:

Make colorful titles for each Bible book.
Start each Bible book with a title page. Create a book-themed design using your favorite art tools. For Psalms, you may do a watercolor page with musical notes or instruments. Use earth tones to illustrate Genesis.

Using nature or flowers, illustrate a favorite passage.
Use art to illustrate a meaningful verse. If your favorite passage is Psalm 23:1 (“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing”), sketch a pastoral scene with sheep grazing and a shepherd in the distance. If your favorite scripture is Isaiah 40:8 (“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever”), create a bouquet of flowers with the passage in calligraphy.

Calligraphy makes Bible journaling pages distinctive. Write a meaningful quote in calligraphy. Write “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) in exquisite handwriting with flowery flourishes.

Make a Thanksgiving page with drawings.
A thanksgiving page might help us express our thankfulness to God. Draw or collage appreciative pictures of family, friends, nature, or possibilities. Include a prayer or blessings with your images.

Create a prayer page with your favorite verses.
Having a page with your favorite prayers and passages might encourage you to pray often. Create a cross with the Lord’s Prayer or a tree with branches for your favorite prayers and passages using your art tools.

Grammarly Writing Support

FAQs: About Bible Journaling

Q: Does Bible journaling need artistic talent?
A: No! Bible journaling expresses your connection with God, hence there are no restrictions. Doodles or complex designs are up to you.

Write in my Bible?
A: Yes! Note-taking margins are common in Bibles. Writing in your Bible improves Bible study.

Q: Where do I begin?
A: Think about your favorite lyric or paragraph. Visualize those concepts.


I hope you have found this information helpful and if so please share it with anyone that may need help on how to begin Bible journaling.

Many times I have grabbed my highlighter as I’m reading my Bible and felt God speaking to me. I can quickly go back to the area I highlighted and reflect on how it has helped me.

It’s always been a good way for me to memorize certain scripture and fight off fear or be strong in the face of adversity.

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