Christian parenting books can help parents that are struggling with the ever-changing times we live in.
As believers, we need to set the example and raise children in a Godly way.
Christian parenting books can guide you and give new ideas on how to discipline your children plus much more.
Christian parenting books provide parents with a wealth of advice on how to raise happy, healthy kids. They include insights from real Christians who have been where you are.
As we can see, the Bible provides parenting tips that are timeless and designed for parents of all generations.
It is not a matter of “if” you should read these parenting books, but how much time you want to spend reading them.
10 Books Every Christian Parent Should Read
Christian parents have a responsibility to raise the next generation of believers.
This means that they need to have an understanding of the Bible and their role in society as well.
Books play an important role in this process and here are ten you should consider reading below:
#1. A Parent’s Guide to Raising a Godly Young Child by Shae Cooke
“Raising a Godly Young Child” is a guide for parents, as they endeavor to raise children who live out the Christian faith in the world.
In this guide, you will be talking about parenting and how it relates specifically to children who are Christians.
It will discuss topics such as how to deal with peer pressure, how to raise them with a biblical worldview, and what styles of discipline you should use.
Parents need help raising their children in today’s ever-changing world.
This book provides some guidelines on dealing with the secular influence that surrounds us today.
#2. Parenting by The Book: Biblical Wisdom for Raising Your Child
Consider a group of polite, responsible, and obedient children who don’t watch TV or play video games, do their homework independently and have outstanding manners.
Is this a fantasy based on wishful thinking?
This is not the case, according to John Rosemond, a family psychologist and author of a popular book.
Any parent can raise children who fit that profile: happy, emotionally healthy children who respect their parents and families by behaving appropriately and doing their best in school.
In the 1960s, American parents began to listen to professional experts rather than their elders when it came to child-rearing.
Since then, parenting has become a source of anxiety, stress, and dissatisfaction.
#3. The Christian Parenting Handbook: 50 Heart-Based Strategies for All the Stages
When it comes to parenting advice from various sources, what do you pay attention to and what do you ignore?
Create your own biblical parenting philosophy and use it to navigate through the various views you’ll encounter.
This book will show you how to do the following: Identify character attributes to solve problems.
Transfer responsibility for change to the child; instead of complaining, encourage children to solve problems. To teach your children spiritual principles, use your imagination.
Keep your distance from the “boxing ring” Take into account a bright future as well as a lot more.
With these strategies, you’ll be able to switch from behavior modification to a heart-based approach to parenting.
It might be difficult to be a mother or father.
Isn’t there a time when you wish you could sit down with a parenting expert—someone who genuinely knows your situation and can offer you the greatest advice and guidance?
The good news is that everything you’ll ever need to know about parenting is right here, in one convenient book!
The Dr. James Dobson Parenting Collection includes three bestselling Christian parenting books.
#5. Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles
When you grow up, what do you want to be?
Many parents become lost in the midst of doing laundry, scheduling carpools, and resolving arguments.
When we’re under pressure to do everything “right” and raise “excellent” children, it’s easy to lose sight of our ultimate mission as parents in the search for practical advice and foolproof formulas.
In this life-giving book, Paul Tripp gives parents much more than a to-do list.
He instead provides us a comprehensive picture of God’s plan for us as parents.
He lays out fourteen key concepts centered on the gospel, demonstrating that we need more than the latest parenting method or list of procedures.
Available for a low price on eBay

#6. Fearless Parenting: Raising Godly Kids in an Ungodly World
It’s impossible for those of us on the front lines of motherhood not to feel intimidated when we look at the world we’re raising our children in.
As a result of the selfie-obsessed, sexually confused, entitled, morally bankrupt, and far from God culture that surrounds us, many parents are fleeing in fear.
Fear, on the other hand, is not from God, and it’s past time for us to turn our gaze away from the darkness and toward the light.
The goal isn’t to keep our children safe from harm.
Rather, we must focus on regularly exposing youngsters to our Jesus and all of His goodness in order for them to freely follow Him.
#7. Raising Passionate Jesus Followers: The Power of Intentional Parenting
The book Raising Passionate Jesus Followers by Phil and Diane Comer offers hope and practical counsel to parents whose greatest wish is to develop their children’s faith in God.
There is no greater joy for Christian parents than to see their children grow in their faith.
There is no greater fear for parents than their children abandoning God.
Phil and Diane Comer, who have been married for forty years and have served in pastoral ministry together, are well aware of those hopes and concerns. 37 years ago, they became parents for the first time.
#8. Christian Training of Children
The lambs are the young of the flock.
As a result, we must give special attention to and care for individuals who are still in the early stages of grace.
They may be senior in years, but in terms of spiritual life, they may be infants, and as a result, they require the care of a knowledgeable shepherd.
Charles Spurgeon is the most widely read preacher in history.
#9. The Five Love Languages of Children
One of my favorite Christian parenting books.
Do you have a child who speaks a second language?
They’ll compete for your attention at times, then completely disregard you at others.
At times, they appear thankful and friendly, while at other times, they appear entirely uninterested.
Attitude, behavior, and development are all things to think about.
Everything is dependent on the loving bond between you and your child.
When children believe they are loved, they strive to be the best version of themselves.
#10. Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full Gospel Meditations
Being a mother is a gift from God, but it can also be tiring at times.
By reorienting tired moms to God’s soul-satisfying grace, Gloria Furman helps readers learn to cherish Christ in everyday moments of life.

Tips for Parents on How to Raise Kids in a God-Honoring Way & Maintain Good Relationship With Them
This is very important to learn how parents should raise their kids in order to shape them in a god-honoring way.
Christian parenting books provide tips for parents such as how to be active and involved, showing love, and teaching boundaries.
And is directed at parents who want to know on how they can raise their kids in the best way possible.
Christian parenting books also give advice on topics such as communication, boundaries, and physical contact between children and adults.
It is important for parents to have a strong relationship with their kids in order for them to be able to share what they are going through with each other.
Handling Your Child’s Behavior Inconsistently Involving Disciplining, Setting Boundaries, and Being Consistent in Your Approach.
You may find it difficult to stay consistent when confronting your kids.
It’s also hard to know what type of punishment will be effective for each situation.
With this in mind, here are some tips on how to handle your child’s behavior, appropriately and effectively.
-Discipline: Sometimes kids need a different type of punishment than others.
Christian parenting books for instance, if your child is constantly talking back or not listening then they could benefit from some time out or a great talking with from you as you read them a story.
If the child is doing something dangerous then they should have their privileges taken away for a day or two until they can cooperate in their responsibilities again.
-Boundaries: When setting boundaries with kids, it’s important that you make sure that the rules are clear and easy to follow so they can stick to them.

Now you have ten Christian parenting books.
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