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Christian home based business can help you earn extra money or start a new full time business.

There are many ways you can get started with your christian home based business.

I’ll show you several different christian business ideas that you can start today.

All you need is to choose the business you are interested in and begin building it.

Now with the internet it’s simple and affordable to earn money from home.

Let’s get started.


christian home based business



Christian Business Opportunities


10 Christian Home Based Business Ideas Below:


#1. Sell Hand Made Crafts Online

If you enjoy making crafts you can use your skills to earn extra money online.

There are several online platforms that make it easy for you to set up your shop.

Below Are Good Websites For Selling Crafts:


READ: Best Places To Sell Handmade Items


You can sell jewelry, art, woodworking items, and much more.

It’s easy to start just sign up to set up your shop online and take clear pictures of the items you want to sell.

And make sure to get the word out about your new shop by sharing it with friends, family, and social media.



#2. Start a Blog

Starting a blog can become a profitable way to earn money online.

It usually takes time to build up enough traffic to your blog so you can earn a living from it.

Although you can work on your blog in your free time and build it up yourself or even hire someone to help build it up for you.

And you can sell from your blog or website and earn even more money.

If you’d like to learn how to start your blog there are some resources below:


A tip for blogging is to be consistent and patient as it will usually take several months before you have consistent readers.


#3. Photography

I love photography and recently found apps and websites to help me turn this hobby into a way to earn extra money.

Below Are Apps For Earning Money With Photography:


There are tons of apps that you can download for free that will help you earn money with photography as well as websites like the ones above that you can submit your photos and earn from them.

The key is to take great photos and learn how to level up your photography.



#4. Typing Jobs

If you enjoy typing and are fast as well as accurate you can earn money from this skill.

You can type for entrepreneurs and businesses that need someone to help them.

Below Are Freelance Websites That You Can Earn From Typing:


There are at least five other good websites that you can sign up for but it’s good to get started with one and then branch off.

Learn how to get paid to work from home



christian home based business


#5. Virtual Assistant

Working as a virtual assistant is a great way to earn money from your administrative skills.

You can complete data entry, proof read, type, and much more.

And you can work as little or as often as you want.

To apply to become a virtual assistant is simple just look for jobs online.

Search online for virtual assistant jobs in your area.

You may need to take an online test before getting accepted to some of the virtual assistant jobs.


#6. Start a Cleaning Business

You could start with your church and find out if they have someone that cleans the church.

And offer your cleaning services and set up a weekly or monthly day and time that you clean.

Your cleaning business could encompass all of the churches in the area you live in.

Everyone needs help when it comes to cleaning and that’s where you can offer your assistance.



#7. Walk The Dog

Start a dog walking or dog sitting business.

You can set your own hours and enjoy the outdoors while walking the dogs. claims you can earn up to $1,000 per month.



#8. Sell Courses Online

Now that more business is being conducted from home people are searching for someone to help them learn a new skill.

That’s where you can come in with a course that you sell online.

If you have an educational background this would be a perfect fit for you.

There are many websites that you can set up a profile and start selling courses online.

Some platforms are free and others charge a monthly fee.

This christian home based business

Could become a full-time money-making opportunity because some course creators are earning six-figure incomes.


#9. Sell Books

Selling books is big business and it’s easy to do from home.

If you have the time you can write your own books or hire someone to write them for you.

Then set up your profile on Amazon kindle and other websites.

It’s free to create and set up your shop on a lot of sites that allow you to sell your books.

This could be a great way to start a Christian book business online.


#10. Become Personal Trainer

Last but not least christian home based business

Is to become a personal trainer you can work in a gym, create workout plans, or exercise videos.

The sky is the limit with this one and it feels good to help people get in shape.

I worked as a personal trainer for several years and can tell you this is a very rewarding business.

Learn More About Becoming A Personal Trainer Here


christian home based business




Now you have 10 christian home based business

Ideas that you can start right now.

Are you going to start your christian home based business?

Let me know in the comments.

Some of the business ideas on this list can lead to full time and lucrative opportunities for you.

If you know of someone interested in christian home based business.

Please share this article and make sure to check out my others below:



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